2 expositions de ses Œuvres Coréennes à Anvers et à Bruxelles

A letter from Korea

Huiles, aquarelles, dessins, croquis de voyage

Gallery Love2Arts
90  Desguinlaan, apt 6A 2018 Antwerp , from February 15th  till 28th, 2009
Vernissage on February 15th,  3pm

Musical intermezzo at 4pm by Su-Hyun Kim (flute) and Hee-Jong An (piano)


This exhibition will continue at
The European Parliament
in Brussels from March 3rd (6pm) till 5th, 2009 (invitation only)






Palais royal, Séoul

Il neige sur le jardin secret.
Le palais est fermé. Ni rires ni pleurs, ni ors ni soies. Juste un peu de poussières des Rois.
A gros flocons légers. Epais duvets blancs sur les toits. Silence. Douce, douce la marche près de l'étang. Une tache rouge, une carpe, entre la glace et la neige.
Il y a vingt ans, c'était ici l'été. J'étais conquérant.

Mon âme est devenue flocon de neige.
Je voudrais une chaumière, une vieille maison abandonnée dans la montagne. Je voudrais y vivre encore un an. Peindre, écrire et dessiner … rêver encore.
Tomber comme un flocon, remonter, emporté par le vent, être happé par la bouche d'un enfant revenant de l'école, être une feuille rouge déposée sur l'étang, une goutte de pluie sur le museau d'un écureuil …

Au printemps prochain je mettrai ma joue sur la mousse près de la rivière et je mangerai des fraises de Hadong…
J'écouterai pousser les bambous.
J'écrirai mes angoisses et mes questions sur des bateaux coquilles de noix, et sur les pétales de cosmos, mes soupirs et mes amours…
Tout coule, tout passe, les flocons dans le vent ou mes pétales sur la rivière, voici mes petits bonheurs, la pêche miraculeuse, ouvre ta lessive, étends tes voiles de soie, souviens-toi un peu de moi.

La neige blanche a effacé mes cendres.
J'ai fait rapport au Rois des rois.
Hors le temps
Je rêve
et je t'attends…

Claude Rahir

Séoul 2005


Between Korea and Claude Rahir
it is a long story of amazement and love.

Claude Rahir travelled many times through South Korea, walking along many ways, from Soraksan to Mopko, from Chaedju Island to Pusan, from Cheonju to Kyongju, sketching and drawing landscapes and daily life in subways, restaurants, concerts and so on.

He realized and exhibited many works while in South Korea, among which a mosaic for The Museum of Modern Art in Kwacheong, sculptures, calligraphies, drawings and aquarelles.

He also wrote "Pérégrinations au Pays du Matin Calme", which exemplifies his love for Korea. It was edited in Korea, by Mannam, and translated into Korean by Mrs Professor Kim Chung-Sook.

He dreamed of living, sometime, as often as possible, in that country which he loved like his own.

Claude Rahir also created monumental works shown in other parts of the world, such as Bolivia, Jamaica, French Guyana, Aegyptus, Italy, Japan, and, of course, a lot in Belgium (Brussels, Woluwé, Liège, Louvain-la-Neuve, Ottignies, Treignes, Havelange, Verviers, Fontaine-L’Evêque, Enghien…)

Except if you like to travel, you won't be able to see all his works; but you can discover them on this website.

About this exhibition

A lot of paintings and drawings exhibited here are telling anecdotes about Claude Rahir's journey through South Korea. They are also a reflection of his inquiries on Korean culture, philosophy, beliefs, and important people.

He especially had a very deep admiration for King Sejong the Great (15th century), an erudite scientist and great humanist who invented a new writing system, the Hangul, a phonetic alphabet intended to help make education more accessible to people. Hangul is often portrayed as "the best alphabet in the world".

Other characters are people whom Rahir had met on his travels; Mrs Kim who sells bread in the "Paris Baguette" store, a Lady with a lucky bird, a young Lady who was visiting his exhibition in Seoul on St. Valentine's day (The red scarf), a lady who offered him tea when he was drawing on Tchaedju Island (Tea with honey), ladies with a child in the subway, and so one.

Rahir loved the elegant appearance of Korean people very much, especially when the ladies are wearing their nice and subtle hanbok. Men also wear beautiful, coloured dresses. So when Rahir was painting after a journey in Korea, he was more audacious in using colours in his oil paintings.

Datum line of the artist with regard to Korea

- 1987 Seoul, Museum of Modern Art, Kwacheong. Claude Rahir was selected
with 5 world artists for a personal work in MOSAIC OF NATURAL STONES

- 2000 Pusan, Participation in the INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM for PEACE, initiated by the Korean sculptor Park Chan Kab, under the aegis of theUnited Nations & UNESCO, in a Memorial Park about the end of the Korean war, SCULPTURE (engraved stone) , with 24 artists from 21 countries

- 2000 EDITION of 40 Drawings from Korea

- 2002 Pusan , Participation in the INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL of ART Banners, (500 participants from 44 countries), on the occasion of FIFA World Cup in Korea

- 2002 Seoul, personal EXHIBITION (pictures and drawings), Chohung Bank Gallery. This exhibition was sustained by Belgian Embassy in Korea and by the Foreign Office.

- 2002 PUBLICATION of Rahir’s travel notebook (texts and drawings) "Mes pérégrinations au pays du Matin Calme", in 2 languages, Korean and French. Translator, Mrs professor Kim Chung-Sook, from Hanyang University, ed. Mannam, Séoul

- 2003 and 2005 Cheonju Jeollabuk-do, Participation in the INTERNATIONAL BIENNALE OF CALLIGRAPHY

-2005 Séoul : GWANHOON gallery, EXHIBITION Korean-Eyesed, Exhibition featuring paintings and sculptures of twelve foreign artists whose works have been influenced by their time in Korea and thus reflect their view of the country.

-2005-10-02 Brussels: Rahir exhibited Paintings inspired by Korea, during a Korean feast, in Woluwe-St-Lambert (Belgium). Exhibition organised by Simon-Pierre Nothomb.

-2006 Seoul, Participation in the Hi Seoul Festival, WORLD CALLIGRAPHY FESTIVAL

-2009 2 exhibitions, in Antwerp (gallery Love2Arts) et in Brussel, European Parliament

Pour faciliter l’accès à la Galerie Love2Arts, lisez impérativement les détails pratiques ci-dessous

1. Vernissage : Confirmez votre présence ici: info@love2arts.com
2. Si vous désirez visiter à un autre moment, tél. au 0473 40 69 11 pour convenir d’un rendez-vous (= apt au 6e étage).
3. Accès facile en voiture, dès l’arrivée à Anvers, venant de la E19, c’est à gauche après avoir surplombé le Ring (même avenue que le Singel, mais avant le Singel)
4. PARKING :  à la Karel Oomsstraat. à côté du garage Peugeot (places de Parking sur le terre-plein au centre de la rue).  Vous accédez alors au building directement par le jardin qui l’entoure, en passant par une petite porte noire. (Cela vous évite de faire le tour vers l’entrée principale  90  Desguinlaan, apt 6A)


Les oeuvres d'atelier
Encres et Calligraphie